Sunday, March 8, 2015

ACES Publications : Building Shelter For Wildlife : ANR-0785

ACES Publications : Building Shelter For Wildlife : ANR-0785:

Building A Brush Pile

Perhaps the easiest wildlife shelter to build is a brush pile. Research has shown that brush piles work best if they are properly constructed. Build brush piles in two parts. The first part is a foundation, which allows easy access for animals to enter the shelter. The second part is the brush, which covers the foundation. Brush piles should be 6 to 10 feet across and 2 to 4 feet high.

Where To Put Brush Piles

It is best to place brush piles near wildlife feeding areas. Along backyard or field edges and scattered around large wooded or open areas are good places. Try to make at least two piles per acre. Several medium-size piles scattered around are better than one big one. Try to keep brush piles away from living areas or children's play areas since snakes may frequent them.
So the next time you have some tree limbs or brush that you collect around the yard, don't send it to the landfill -- try building a brushpile for wildlife. Besides decreasing the amount of trash sent to landfills, you will be rewarded by attracting more wildlife to your yard.

Where To Put Brush Piles

It is best to place brush piles near wildlife feeding areas. Along backyard or field edges and scattered around large wooded or open areas are good places. Try to make at least two piles per acre. Several medium-size piles scattered around are better than one big one. Try to keep brush piles away from living areas or children's play areas since snakes may frequent them.

So the next time you have some tree limbs or brush that you collect around the yard, don't send it to the landfill -- try building a brushpile for wildlife. Besides decreasing the amount of trash sent to landfills, you will be rewarded by attracting more wildlife to your yard.

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